Alex wanted to name her Kimi, but we knew that we wanted a Spanish name for her. Manuel came up with the name Perla and I think that he did a great job with choosing a name that really fits her. As I was writing this post I came to the conclusion that she needed a middle name MARIA it is!! (I hope Manuel doesn't mind that I just came up with this on my own without his input!)
Manuel and his family always had horses while he was growing up, and I have to admit that I wasn't exactly thrilled (that's putting it mildly!) when he started to look for a horse to buy. I'll also admit that Perla is part of our family now and she's here to stay. She is a very beautiful horse and she has really grown on me (I think that I am really growing on her too....with the help of the sugar cubes and apples that I give her). I'm trying really, really, really hard not to TOTALLY fall in love with her because Manuel already thinks that the KING SIZED bed isn't big enough for us and the 3 itty bitty chihuahuas...could you imagine how squished he would feel if I wanted Perla Maria in the bed too?!?!