It's May 1536 and Anne Boleyn gets beheaded by King Henry VIII.
The End.

Good movie. GREAT book. See the movie before reading the book and you'll definitely be a much happier member of the court.
Rewind 4 hours <--------
Now....time to make a short story L O N G.
We all met up at California Pizza Kitchen for dinner before the anxiously anticipated movie night to see The Other Boleyn Girl.
(From far left to far right) Kendall, Kourtney, Kris, Becky, Lisa, me (taking the photo), Dee, Amanda, Brenda, and Alanna. If only Krissy had been there the circle could have been complete.
We all had some fun while walking into the theater.
Alanna showed us how her BABY BUMP is growing.
If Krissy had been here she would have played the part of Mary. I think I made a much happier looking King Henry, don't you? Brenda (looking very ambitious) has the part of Anne.
Lisa made fast friends with the kid that worked at the theater. Actually, I suspected that they were TWINS separated at birth. (Please note the matching outfits).
I know it's dark so let me interpret this photo for you.
(From left to right) Lisa, Kris, Kourtney, Kendall, Alanna, Becky, Amanda, Dee, Brenda, me, and (if you look HARD enough you'll see her next to me) KRISSY!
Here are a few photos from the film that my camera just happened to ACCIDENTALLY snap while I was INNOCENTLY minding my own business and intently (and INNOCENTLY) watching the movie.
The plan was to Photoshop these photos so that we could have just one picture of all of us together. If I was any good at Photoshop (or Anthony was awake to do this for me) I would have posted this as one picture instead of two....but I trust that you're smart and that you get the idea.
The End.
WAIT!! I almost forgot a very memorable part of the night....someone (let me clarify...someone NOT in our group) lost their cookies on the escalator.
1 comment:
I am dying to see this movie!! Thanks for the review, I was unaware there was a book.
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