.............................................................................. My name is Dena. I'm 37 years old and I live in Murray, Utah. I am married to a great guy named Manuel. We have 3 handsome boys - Anthony (18), Marcos (12) and Alex (10). We have 4 dogs (PLEASE don't tell Animal Control!) Pescado (7yo male black lab mix), Muneca (6yo brown female chihuahua), Gordy (6yo white male chihuahua) and Nena (4yo black female chihuahua).
DENA'S FORTUNE COOKIES (Some thoughts that inspired me and might inspire you!)
7. Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive.
6. Money and luck are favorable next month. (There's always next month, right?)
5. Generally your first choice is always the wisest to follow. (DISLAIMER: Please note the word "GENERALLY" ... I will not be held liable for poor first choices made by YOU!)
4. Put up with small annoyances to gain great results. (Read more of my FORTUNE COOKIES.)
3. Live for today, remember yesterday, plan for tomorrow. (Learn from your mistakes + don't make the same mistake twice + think ahead = have a GREAT life!)
2. Nothing can keep you from reaching your goals. (Nothing except Y-O-U....so set REASONABLE, OBTAINABLE goals!)
1. Remember to share good fortune (and inspirational sayings) with friends.
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